Shalaya Tantra

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Shalya tantra a branch of Ayurveda which deals with  Ayurvedic surgery and provides a basic understanding of the principles of modern surgery. Area of strength in Ayurvedic surgery is management of vrana(wound).Surgery mainly deals with wounds so Maharshi shushruta has described a lot about vrana (wound)in his text and it’s treatment. Bhagna (fracture and dislocation) and it’s chikitsa (treatment), Kshar sutra use in many ano-rectal diseases like Arsha (haemorrhoids), Bhagandara(fistula in ano),Warts , tumors etc. Para surgical measures like Jalaukaavcharan(leech therapy), Alabu(cupping therapy), Agnikarma (cauterusation),  Kshar karma for various diseases have been described in Shalya Tantra.
Though modern surgery has advanced in leaps and bounds, the Ayurvedic principles of pre and post operative care still has relevance today. Judicious application of Ayurvedic principles of surgical care can prevent complications and facilitate early recovery from surgical interventions. Ayurveda has historically made foundational contributions to the development of the branch of surgery. The practice of dissecting dead bodies to study anatomy, learning surgical procedures by practicing on dummies, development of sophisticated surgical instruments and the art of plastic surgery constitute the hallmark of classical Ayurvedic surgery. Sushruta, the Ayurvedic surgeon of yore is revered today as the father of surgery.

 In the ancient India, surgery was principally pioneered by Ayurveda. Shalya Chikitsa is a significant branch of Ayurvedic science. The name of the sage-physician, Susruta, is synonymous with surgery. From his treatise Susruta Samhita, we have become aware of the thousand of years ago sophisticated methods of surgery that were practiced in India. Topics of intestinal obstructions, bladder stones, and the use of dead bodies for dissection and learning were taught and practiced in ancient India.

The original text of Susruta has a detailed discussion of the exhaustive range of surgical methods, which is inclusive of methods on how to deal with various types of tumors, internal and external injuries, fracture of bones, complications during pregnancy and delivery and obstruction in intestinal loop. Susruta was the first surgeon to develop cosmetic surgery in ayurveda. His surgical treatment for trichiasis can be reckoned with some of the modern operative techniques used for this eye disease.

Charaka, the best-known physician of Ayurvedic medicine, also recommended for Shalya Tantra for the treatment of certain diseases, which required immediate attention such as hemorrhoids. The long foreign rule in India and lack of promotion stalled the progress of Ayurvedic surgery in the middle of the second millennium. Another major draw back of Shalya tantra was lack of proper aseptic precautions during the earlier days. In addition to this, the instruments in use were crude (because of the materials used) and their use was painful.

Department of Shalyatantra ( Surgery )

  • Study of ancient surgical procedures described in treatises
  • Clinical and surgical applications of various treatment modalities.
  • Successful treatment for piles and fistula as per Ayurvedic methodology
  • Treatment of chronic diseases with blood letting through leeches.
  • Practical training of surgical procedures on patients at well equipped operation theatre and procedure room.

List of Equipment

  • Charts
  • Essential Equipment & Instruments
  • Models
  • Furniture


NAME                         Dr. SUBHASH SUCSENA
DATE OF BIRTH      : 13 July 1981
QUALIFICATION    : M.S.(Shalya Samanya)
DOJ                            : 02 September 2023
EMAIL ID                  :
PHONE NO.            : 9431436221