Mission & Vision

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Our Mission


To become a Centre of Excellence in the field of Ayurvedic Medicine, Education, Research and Treatment.

Our Vision

  1.  To be a dynamic, growth oriented organization where individuals synergize to meet the challenges and to achieve excellence in all spheres.
  2. To be a teaching hospital of distinction, setting the highest standards in patient care, ayurvedic medical education, training and research.
  3. To provide quality health care to the patients, conforming to scientific and ethical standards.
  4. Set new international standards in Ayurveda and its practice.
  5. Become the global leaders in imparting the knowledge for a healthy lifestyle, by guiding mankind into the welcoming arms of Mother Nature.
  6. Train dedicated professionals who will strive to ensure perfect health and a state of inner freedom (nirvana), for all mankind.
  7. Raise awareness about the benefits of Ayurveda and increase the reach of Ayurved beyond boundaries.
  8. Reinvigorate the ancient way of life, and restore the science of Ayurveda to its legendary eminence.
  9. BUILD young talent for higher endeavours, academic excellence, integrity and accountability.