About the College

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About the College

Dr Prakash Chandra Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Naubatpur Patna was established in 2019 with unique objectives of exploring and highlighting the Indian Cultural heritage besides ancient educational glories bridging with the current technological advancements. The Institution strongly propagates AYURVEDA for holistic health and universal peace.  In order to generate dynamic doctors and energetic scientists of Ayurveda, the College  & Hospital is started as unit of PRAKHAR. The Hospital has comprehensive facilities for inexhaustible resources for medical and allied research and provides credible patient care. The institute purpose is to bring together in one place, educational facilities of the highest order for the training of self sufficient personnel in all important branches of health activity.

Ayurveda is a way of life that focuses on man and his illness. To provide “quality higher education coupled with Indian Value system and at the same time make it affordable to all sections of the society irrespective of their social or economic standing”.It is to identify innate talents of students and bring out their hidden potentialities and help in development of their all-round personality with value systems.
